Maps of Nantwich

Modern Maps

There’s a wonderful selection of on-line maps on the internet. GeoHack shows you many of the different maps and sites showing satellite images of the town and topography of the area:

For very detailed maps (including fields and conservation areas, I recommend the MAGIC site (Multi Agency Geographic Information for the Countryside):

Where’s the Path enables you to compare old and new maps side by side. You can also see maps and satellite images on the same page, and plan walks:
Unfortunately the Ordance Survey keeps restricting what you can see on this site!

Old Maps

There’s a wealth of old maps on the internet. Below is a copy of a map by J Fenna in 1794, with field names added by Andrew Lamberton:

1794 Map by J Fenna with Field Names added by Andrew Lamberton

The Cheshire Local History Association have put online maps from the 16th to 19th century:

Cheshire Archives have put Cheshire Tithe Maps online:

Map House of London have a range of old maps of Cheshire to view and buy:

National Library of Scotland have some excellent old maps of Cheshire on line, including Ordance Survey six inch to the mile maps:,0

Old-Maps claims to be Britain’s most comprehensive historical map archive, and has historical maps covering England, Wales and Scotland.

Old Maps Online is gateway to historical maps in libraries around the world:
Click here to see maps of Nantwich:

Vision of Britain also has a range of old maps:
Click here to see old maps of Nantwich

Bill Pearson \ Nantwich History

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